Monday, February 22, 2010

The power of prayer.

I have discovered in the past two months that blogging is an outlet for me. A place to "dump" so to speak my emotions and thoughts so I'm not overwhelmed.

I have about eight separate things I could blog about right now.

So... I don't think I'll really blog about any of them.

I don't want to overwhelm anyone. :-)

The one thing I will share is that Dustin and I had a precious time praying together today.

There is nothing that unites us more as a couple than spending time talking to our Heavenly Father.

It took someone reminding us that this is the most important thing we could do.

Sad and funny that we even needed the reminding.

We should know better.

I've been praying on my own.

He has as well.

And occasionally we pray as a couple.

Today we purposed to do this together far more often.

With all the tough decisions we have coming up we need all the wisdom we can possibly get. And who better to get it from than the One who knows all the answers. :-)

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