Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life is messy.

I'm glad God can handle it.

That's what I say.

Sometimes it is hard to believe it, you know?

I'd like to say I never doubt God, but the honest truth is I do. There are times I doubt. I doubt He knows what He is doing. Why am I, a mother of two little ones and the wife of a busy man going through this? Is it really for the best?

I'm reading a book called Praise Habit by David Crowder. Today I came across a quote by Walter Brueggemann.

What a last name, eh? Anyway, back to the quote that meant so much to me in the messy places.

"It is no wonder we have trouble when trying to fit our "spirituality" into all the stuff of life because we've neglected to bring all the stuff of life into our "spirituality." There is impoliteness in our experience of living. There is darkness and pain. But the wonder and joy and the surprise are that even in the middle of darkness and loss is the unexpected presence of God."

In my/our spiritual experience we have felt the impoliteness, darkness and pain. There has been doubt, questions, wondering what is going on.

But, in the midst of that, I have had the wonder and joy and the surprise of God.

I'm not perfect.

I forget and doubt again.

I feel the betrayal of my body that brings those doubts of God's perfect plan.

But then there is ALWAYS the unexpected presence of God.

He never leaves Dustin and I to figure it out on our own.

I am so glad that in spite of my doubts and in the messy places of life...

God really can handle it!

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