Thursday, November 11, 2010

About that Chocolate Cake.

Remember the Mom Song from a couple of days ago?

I changed my mind, and made up my own little ditty.

"This is the Mom Song, mom's are great, they are better than, better than, better than....all the sugar I ever ate." :-)

My mom is amazing. Way better than chocolate cake.

She decided that I wasn't getting a chance to get better because I was using all my energy to survive every day. Even with the help I was getting.

So, you know what?

She is taking my two precious little high energy, mischievous munchkins from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

That gives me seven whole hours at home to rest, exercise, eat all my veggies and protein, take all my vitamins, lotions, oils, etc.

She deserves way more than a medal.

And I'm so glad I have her instead of all the chocolate cake in the world.

Thanks Mom!

I love you!

1 comment:

The Roli Poli's said...

What a blessing to get some alone time!!! Praying it helps!