Saturday, September 25, 2010

I know all of you are praying - which amazes me all the time.

So, here are a couple of specific requests.

We have to decide what to pursue - alternative doctor wise. It is so hard when it looks like nothing is working. Pray that God gives us His wisdom.

When we get the biopsy results I'm sure there will be some big decisions to make. Those scare me the most. Pray for our wisdom in that and my oncologist to have wisdom in what to suggest.

Pray that I rest in the Lord and not get discouraged. There have been several times I've just wanted to curl up into a ball, pull the covers over my head, and do nothing but cry. That is not at all helpful in any which way. :-)

I love all of you so much! Thank you for holding me up in prayer and going along on this journey with me.

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