A friend who does carpets graciously came over twice on monday to tell us what to do. Basically, throw out the carpet. When he was our huge dumpster in the driveway he thought I was super prepared for getting rid of the carpet. I informed him I had wanted to keep my carpet and the dumpster was for my walls and upstairs carpet. There is always a silver lining, and the one for this is that we already had the dumpster, and that I now have a couch in my upstairs and lots of places to sit because all the furniture is now up there.
I wish I could put pictures up, but our computer is disconnected, so they will have to wait. The good news is that all of our electronics are fine, the carpet is now in the dumpster thanks to my husbands hard work this morning. Ugg... stink, stink, stink.... we thought about salvaging it, but it was too stinky. Now we are thinking of just painting the basement and putting down some huge area rugs, just in case. My mom perked up at that because now the girls could rollerskate in the basement. :-) we did that all the time as girls in ours. Besides that, both my mom and one of my sisters tell me that carpet has tons of chemicals in it that you don't want to breathe in, probably good with my lung being what it is. :-)
Anyway, that is an update. I have to say, Monday morning I sat down in the midst of all my mess, opened my Bible randomly (something I don't do often, but had no idea where to start.) to Ps. 23:1. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." The commentary said, as long as you have the Lord, you don't lack anything. That was what I needed in my chaos. Tears started to flow, and my oldest comes up to me and just gave me hugs. It made me realize that everything that really matters was ok, and we would get through this..... This too shall pass....