These two are eagerly waiting to dig into our Christmas decorations. I always feel a little overwhelmed at the thought of decorating, but Dustin pulled everything out and we went to town.

Not that we really have all that much, honestly. I admire that stamina of those who completely change everything during the holidays. I may join you in future years. Karis can be very persuasive at five, at ten she will probably control most of the decorating, and at fifteen I very well may be out of a job. :-)

This is her creation. She has yet to learn that you group things in odd numbers, but I suppose if you count the flash light she is good to go.

This happens to be one of my favorite arrangements. Simple and sweet.

Of course no decorating is complete without turning out the lights, turning on the music, and dancing in front of the tree with Daddy. I even got my share of the fun, though I wasn't the favorite partner. You see, I don't lift and twirl around like Daddy does.

It's an awful picture, except for the fact that you can see a glimpse of the twirling that goes on around here.
At my house my dad had to dance with a lot of us growing up. Some of my favorite memories are standing on his feet and dancing to music.
It is nice to know I married a man who loves to do the same thing with his girls.
This was so beautiful to glimpse of the love and excitement in your home. I love the idea of dancing with Daddy in front of the tree. So precious!
Love it! And I actually giggled outloud about the flashlight. So cute. You'd be proud of me - I let the kids decorate the tree in the living room. They did a pretty good job! I only moved a few when I thought the branches night break.
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