Monday, September 13, 2010


Yesterday I went to church twice.

By myself because Dustin was working.

Ok, not technically by myself in the morning because my family was there.

But at night it was by myself.

I'm sharing this because it felt so nice and normal. I hadn't done that for a long time.

I hadn't been able to do it for a long time because I either was in pain or tired.

Yesterday I was tired a bit, cause I just am, and I need to catch up on sleep, but almost pain free. :-)

It was so fun to take the girls to their Shine program last night. To watch them be a little nervous at the beginning.

Then when I picked them up be jumping up and down (at least Karis) with excitement.

I think some of the excitement could have been due to the ice cream they got because it was the first night. :-)

But I felt so normal.

I almost felt guilty when people came up and said they would be bringing meals and wondering how I was doing.

In moments like yesterday I can almost imagine away the tumor in my lung.

But the fact remains that it is still there, and I still need help.

This morning I feel my yesterday a little bit. My body is telling me to take things a little more easy on the good days.

To not try and do it all.

I didn't try and do it all... my kitchen is a disaster to prove it.

But today I will try and take it a little slower.

Try to be patient with the healing process - I'm praying that is what is happening here.

Why I'm getting more energy.

And to be grateful for the three wonderful friends I have who set up THREE months of meals, three times a week.

These ladies are amazing!

And I'm going to accept every single one of them, even if I start getting more energy.

I'm telling myself this because I know me. I'll feel better, then I'll be like, "I don't want people to have to bring meals if I feel ok..." and then I'll wear myself out again and be back where I started.

So, I'll accept the gift being given.

With a grateful heart. :-)

12. Three months of meals

13. Friends who care

14. A church family who loves us

15. Energy yesterday

16. Getting a hug and an "I love you with my whole heart" from Gabi when she first woke up.

17. little girls


rachland said...

Great start on the things you're thankful for! Though we don't always feel like it, it's so true we can always be joyful in Him because of the blessings He daily loads upon us (Ps 68:19)!
And beautiful pictures of you and your family!

Mindy said...

I am so thankful you are accepting the blessings from the Lord! It is a hard lesson to learn because we want to be the blessers. But, someone has to receive the blessing and I love the saints for blessing you. They offer the work my hands long to do for you.

I love those normal moments you are experiencing. I am so thankful for whatever strength you have. I continue to pray, pray, pray, for healing!